Modding in CIV 5 and a Merry Christmas

First of all Merry Christmas to all of you hope you had great dinner yesterday!

Although the modding community is great in the civ 5 making mods and adding mods in the game I think is quite hard to do (somewhat a similar issue with Minecraft). I think a  good way to fix this issue is to add a mod installer in the game menu when you start the game. Now you might think that there is already solution to this… the steam workshop, but as you might already know Civ 5 is available on disk and the Mac app store where such a feature is not included. So how do you think Firaxes could fix this modding issue. Post it in the comments below

The Scrambled Nations DLC

I just recently downloaded the Scrambled Nations DLC for civ 5 and I do have to say I did enjoy it. It gives quite a new feel to civ which I always enjoy and the gameplay is generally good. Of course the changes are not as radical as the God’s and King’s expansion pack or Brave New World expansion pack the game does add a couple of new features.

For the people who don’t know what the scrambled nations here is a tiny description…

Is geography destiny? Why repeat history when you could forge a new geography each time you begin a game? The Scrambled Nations map pack includes maps for the geographic regions of Canada, Australia, Japan, Scandinavia, Great Britain, France, Turkey, Italy, Russia and China. The geographic outlines of each nation are exact; however, special scripts produce randomized interiors each time a new game begins, allowing for endless replayability.