Civilization Beyond Earth Released for Mac

Civilization Beyond Earth has been released for Mac just a couple days ago, you can buy it from the App store and Steam. Firaxes and 2K have also announced that the Linux version of the game will come soon.

I will now install Civ BE and just play around with it and write a post about my experiences later.

Civilization Beyond Earth Released

Civilization Beyond Earth was just released yesterday on Steam and on CD Rom for Mac, PC and Linux. I expect it to be released on the App store most likely later this year and hopefully come with Game Centre Multiplayer support.

The game costs now 49.99 Dollars but if you want to save a bit of money I suggest you wait till the winter when the game will be more stable and Steam most likely put a discount on it.

But if you can wait and really want the best and the newest games out there or you are a avid civ fanatic and need to buy it now, the reviews have been very good and price is fairly reasonable already.

Civ BE map
Civ BE map

Little bug

A couple days ago I was playing a game of civ 5 and I suddenly saw something a little funny in one of my cities. 

I had just constructed the Taj Mahal and when I looked at the city from the map mode it looked as if there where two Taj Mahal’s build.


Two wonders


Has this little bug happened to you with the Taj or maybe other wonders, comment below 

Civilization Beyond Earth pre purchase

Firaxes has today jus announced that you can pre purchase a digitial copy of the new Civilisation Beyond Earth game on Steam. 

If you buy it now the game will be available for download on October 24th There are two options and two prices for purchasing Civilisation Beyond Earth. The first pricing option is 49,99 Dollars and includes only the game. The second pricing option is 69,99 Dollars, this is a bundle which includes not only Civilisation Beyond Earth but also Civilization III Civilization IV and Civilization V.

Pre purchasing at the moment is only available for Windows.

Civilization Beyond Earth walkthrough

With the recent events happening around Civilization Beyond Earth I though it would be quite helpful to you people if you saw one of the gameplay’s of the game, to give you a small idea of how the game will look like when it is released in October.

I will also post the trailer here if you have not seen it yet.



Hope you enjoy them if you haven’t seen them yet.



Release date Civilization Beyond Earth

The release date of Civilization Beyond earth has been announced. It will be released worldwide on the 24th of October. It will be released simultaneously for PC Mac and Linux (unlike with Civ 5 where it came a whole two month later out). Although availability has not yet been clarified it will most likely have a CD download including a digital download from steam. It is not clear if it will be released on the Mac App Store on day one.

Civilization Revolution 2

Yes it is here finally, well nearly.

Firaxes and 2k are going to release the new version of civ rev on July 2nd, for iOS and android.

The game will be the first civ rev game to come after the release of Civ 5 so hopefully this means that it might share some characteristics with civ 5, a bit like Civ 5 for mobile (yes it actually existed).

The game from what screenshots have released will have updated graphics new game mechanics and so on.

One thing I was very surprised about though was the fact that it was not coming to PS4 and XBOX one, at least for now

Release info about Beyond Earth

So it seems first of all that beyond earth (the new civ game) will be official released somewhere in september, a clear date has not been given yet but judging by the last release dat of 10 September or Civ 5 it will probably be released again early in September.

Then most likely it will be released a bit later for Mac most likely a month later. For OSX the likelihood that it will include snow leopard in the system requirements will in my opinion be quite low.

For Windows it is hard to say but I think that Vista will also be dropped for the new Civ Beyond Earth game.


So in the end my prediction with using facts is:

Windows Release: September 10th System Requirements Windows 7 and higher

OSX Release: October 22nd System Requirements OSX 10.7 and higher

Civilization: Beyond Earth

I had expected this for a while but not like this.

I had expected that Firaxes would bring out a new Civ game this year, but not one as bold as the one which was released only a couple of days ago, the new civ game is called Civilization: Beyond Earth, a bold step from the old games in one major way.

Instead of starting on earth at the beginning of humans agricultural beginnings and ending to the near future. Civilization Beyond Earth goes to a time period when humans leave earth to a new planet.

Here is the trailer:


I will be brining out more posts later with further details.


Platforms supported:

Mac, PC, Linux



Are you exited?

Steampunk Civ

Today I would like to talk about a mod thats been out for Civ for a while now but I never got into it. A couple of days ago I decided to give it a go and I loved it. The game ideas and mechanics are changed quite a lot but they make sense and are still amazing. I love all the customized units such as land icon lands are the air balloons. It makes the game feel so much more interesting.

Winning the game is a bit different than in a usual civ game, instead of winning a science victory by going to Alpha Centauri or winning a Domination Victory by conquering all the Capital cities in the world, here in the steampunk mod you win victories by owning the most units or generating the most gold in a period of time, its pretty nice in my opinion.

I recommend you to give it a try and I think you’ll like it.
