Category Archives: updates and patches

Release info about Beyond Earth

So it seems first of all that beyond earth (the new civ game) will be official released somewhere in september, a clear date has not been given yet but judging by the last release dat of 10 September or Civ 5 it will probably be released again early in September.

Then most likely it will be released a bit later for Mac most likely a month later. For OSX the likelihood that it will include snow leopard in the system requirements will in my opinion be quite low.

For Windows it is hard to say but I think that Vista will also be dropped for the new Civ Beyond Earth game.


So in the end my prediction with using facts is:

Windows Release: September 10th System Requirements Windows 7 and higher

OSX Release: October 22nd System Requirements OSX 10.7 and higher

Steampunk Civ

Today I would like to talk about a mod thats been out for Civ for a while now but I never got into it. A couple of days ago I decided to give it a go and I loved it. The game ideas and mechanics are changed quite a lot but they make sense and are still amazing. I love all the customized units such as land icon lands are the air balloons. It makes the game feel so much more interesting.

Winning the game is a bit different than in a usual civ game, instead of winning a science victory by going to Alpha Centauri or winning a Domination Victory by conquering all the Capital cities in the world, here in the steampunk mod you win victories by owning the most units or generating the most gold in a period of time, its pretty nice in my opinion.

I recommend you to give it a try and I think you’ll like it.


New Year, New Civ?

So hi all and a belated happy new year!

So I was wondering about something, it occurred to me that every major release of civ happened about every 4-5 years so we might hopefully be expecting some nice news from the guys at Firaxes about a complete new Civ game like something that might be called Civilization 6? Maybe, we won’t know for sure but we will most likely again here something from the guys at Firaxes for sure but if it will be about a new expansion pack or a new game we won’t know yet.

New Civ 5 Update on Mac App Store not loved

Civilization 5 has lately been getting quite some heat lately on the Mac App Store. Civilization 5 (OSX Version) seams to have been getting performance issues most particularly crashing. And the response of the community has not been positive about it. The game went from a nearly perfect 5 star rating to a 3 star rating currently. And this for a app featured on the Mac App Store is not to acceptable.

Although I myself have not been getting these issues I have recognized that on some more low powered machines the issue occurs far more often. Which to me sounds as if it is a optimization issue. Which Civilization 5 was never great at compared to Civilization 4 or the upcoming Rome 2 Total war.

All in all Firaxes and Aspyer have some hard issues to fix in the long run.

The End of Civ world

On the 29th of May we remember a civ game which was supposed to bring the civilization franchise completely multiplayer. But all this ambition was short lived, Civ world through its life stayed beta all the time and had only one major update nearly three years ago. By the end of his life it became buggy and glicht a lot.
Now this game that no one really played or liked has been killed by its own creator Firaxes

Did you play civ world comment below

What to expect from “Brave New World”

Recently Firaxes announced a new expansion pack called “Brave New World” with this announcement they announced a couple of new civilisation’s with their unique features. But Firaxes did not make any new features available to the public which made me think of something.

Unlike the expansion pack God’s and King’s which was released last year I think that this years expansion pack will include many new cool civilisations but not really cool features like the addition of religion and espionage. I think that this DLC could be but more like the expansion pack Warlords for Civilisation 4.

So what do you think will Brave New World be as big of an expansion pack as God’s and King’s or will it be smaller like the expansion pack for Civilisation, Warlords.

Brave new world: Expansion pack

In Pax East Firaxes announced the expansion pack which will probably come out in the summer and this new epansion pack is called Brave new world. Firaxes announced in Pax three new civilizations. They are Assyria, Brazil and Poland
Assyria is a civilization that is industrial and scientific so going for a scientific victory is a good idea.
Brazil is a culture based civilization many of it interesting items are based on tourism
Poland is a military civilization it focuses heavily on mounted horseback, it has a unique unit called the winged Hussar. Poland also gets a free social policy every new era.

Assyria: Ashurbanipal
Brazil: Pedro II
Poland: Casimir III

Also stay tuned as there are 6 other civilizations to be announced.

Something’s wrong

Most of the time around this time Firaxes would just plummet news about patches or expansion packs or new game but at the moment nothing. And you can see this also on major blog’s like civfanatics or aptylon, and also with me too.
So what is wrong, are they concentrating all the work on Civ 6 or is the year 2013 the year for other projects instead the civilization franchise.

So what do you think comment below.

What to expect for civ the comming year

Happy New to you all.

Now lets get to bushiness. What could we expect for civ in 2013. For the first time I do not have an idea what we might expect this year as firaxes seemed to have stopped doing anything with civ world and for more than a whole year firaxes has not released a new scenario pack. Neither have they announced a new expansion pack yet. But there is still time so we will have to wait and see.

Something I think where the civilization franchise might be go towards to in 2013 is multitouch. We already have seen little hints this year as Civilization is now compatible with touchscreen Ultrabooks running the Windows 8 operating system.

But what will happen with civilization with mobile. Especially last year (2012) there was suddenly an explosion in mobile gaming and mobile usage. Firaxes reacted by making civilization 5 compatible with mobile but it did not really kick as it was only for very powerful android phones and civ 5 mobile did not support iOS neither tablets from android and iOS. Although what firaxes did do is make there Civilization Revolution mobile version with smoother graphics and more animations. But the thing Civilization Revolution is that it is not really the hardcore Civilization game. But maybe thats what Firaxes wants. Their more casual version on mobile and the more real civilization on computer.

Whats your opinion write in the comments below.